
4:57 PM

A New Chapter

Wrote: American Muslima Writer |

A new Chapter is begining in my life. An old girl scouts song is going through my head:

Make new friends
But keep the old...
One is silver
And the other's gold.

A circle's round
It has no end...
That's how long
I want to be your friend.

My dearest friend I've ever met has just left UAE and I don't know if I'll ever see her again. She was like my twin. We think the same, act the same, and our lives have been the same in almost everything. We have everything in common with only enough differences to spice things up. And now she had to go back to Canada. I spent a night crying but then wrote her an inspirational letter and I felt more comfortable with the seperation (plus there is always phones and e-mail!). Still there will be no more visits and such.
On another note my favorite blogs have been deleted or gone super private and I dunno what's up with all that but it's sad for me not to be able to go and read them and to inspire myself and them etc... so it looks like either I find new blogs to inspire me (of course beside those of you I do read already still that are open) or I just give up on finding new ones. Would give me more time for my personal life anyways.
My house is almost back to normal but better. I'm down to the last room and I'm preparing it so it will be easy to upkeep and maintain AND still be functional. I feel once the house is in order i can improve the rest of my life by getting it in order.
My hubby took the PC for repairs so it is back and working yet somehow my "favorite" websites got deleted which sucks because i had some awesome places picked out and now I can't get back to some of them. So if it wasn't on my saved blogroll then it's gone for now.
My Canadian friend gave me her bulky DVD player (keeping a streamline one for herself and her trip back to canada) so now that is keeping my daughter happy and out of my hair while I organize my life. Alhamdulliah.

So all in all it seems like life is getting more smooth and I'm looking forward to the new things that will come for me. Maybe new friends (yet surely not another who is my twin), maybe new places to see, maybe new experiences to be had, maybe new turn in life.
I should really re-assess my yearly goals and see if they are still what I really want out of life. I feel I've changed so much in just these last few months since I started this blog. Was it finding more friends who helped me soul-search or I don't know what else but life certainly always changes for me and I adapt well.

6 intelligent thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Insha'Allah things will feel more normal. It's good to keep yourself busy organizing. I find it so relaxing to see a clean house and it inspires me more to continue to be organized with other things. I admit that right now my house needs some cleaning and I think that may explain part of the reason I feel a bit blahish today.

Umm Ibrahim said...

Assalaamu alaikum,
Masha'Allah sis you are doing so well with all your decluttering! I should take stock and do some myself too. :)
I understand about the friend thing... I think this is a big problem when you are living overseas like KSA or UAE. A lot of the time people are in the country just for a few years and then move on or back to their own country. I have also had to say goodbye to a some good friends and my 12 year old was pretty devastated, much like you, when her very best friend moved back to the UK. :(
Best to make friends with locals who won't be going anywhere! ;) Probably like KSA and that's a difficult thing to do though.
Take care sis and thanks for all the inspiration.
Umm Ibrahim x

Safiyyah said...

As Salaamu Alaikum Sister:

Ohhh, I feel your pain about your friend. It sucks. Maybe you'll get to visit with each other someday soon, Insha Allah.

American Muslima Writer said...

Thanks for feeling my pain ladies! It is hard but as my Canadian Friend once told me "No matter where we are and where we will go, we'll meet up in Jannah in the END insha'Allah." (something to the effect of that quote) and I reminded her of this too before she left.

It is amazing what a little (little? Ha! I've been dragging this out over the past month now) organization and clean out will do. Everything looks clean cut and in it's place. I do love it and I'm trying to get it to where I can maintain it's neatness easily.
I wish you all the best in your cleaning too.

Miss Muslimah said...

Forget about all that other stuff....I see I wasnt on your saved "favorites"...hummfff..its not hurt at all..but if you do want to add me onto your blogroll here is my address :LITTLEMISSMUSLIM.WORDPRESS.COM....LOL....heheheh...

Anonymous said...

Salaam SIs,

I am so proud of you....I am getting around to the decluttering and I must say I am not as dedeicated as you

On you friend.....I am sorry to hear about but like Stranger said...try even though it may be difficult to make friends with locals are woman expats like you....

luv ya lots...

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