
7:36 AM

My Four Fingers

Wrote: American Muslima Writer |

My four finger stand up tall,
Reaching up to touch it all.

What will I reach?
Perhaps a fuzzy peach?

Perhaps a pink butterfly?
Glittery, twinkling to my eye.

Many thing I want to learn,
In my seat I twist and turn,

A joyous laugh,
A gentle bath,

Nightly to sleep I go,
Wake to four and say hello.

-Brandy A Chase (c)2008

(My daughter turned FOUR on Sept. 18th and her cousin turned 2, same day)

2 intelligent thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Assalaamu alaikum,

Masha'Allah on your dd turning 4 sis! We have a couple of birthdays coming up in November - dd3 will be 8 insha'Allah and dd4 will be 2 insha'Allah. My baby won't be a baby anymore!

American Muslima Writer said...

AWWWW what awesome ages! Scary the two thing. is till can't forget the day my daughter turned two she became liek a completly different person, all attitude and stubborn and TYPICAL TERRIBLE TWOS! I was like where's my sweet baby gone? And I searched hard for her and found her still underneath the attitude :D Masha'Allah I bet your gonna make them some tasty treats!

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