
7:32 AM

United Nations grow up from Boys to MEN

Wrote: American Muslima Writer |

Alhamdulillah for once the UN finally takes a stand and does something right. After years of Palestinians and Iraqis and Lebanese etc... being killed and slaughtered by overwhelmingly advanced enemies, and the UN standing by wringing their hands, they have grown up from the ineffectual boys they were toward taking steps to become Men who do what is right for humanity; Saving People especially women and Children.

I applaud the West and Arab Forces interference into the Libyan Revolution. May they turn the tide against their evil dictator who doesn't flinch at massacring his own people. May they Humble him and raise the Rebels chances. Insha'Allah it will be over fast to spare undue death.

May Allah guide their hearts and actions to work swiftly and not have the blood of civilian casualties on their hands. AMIN.

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