On came a advertisement for Dubai. The Burj Al-Arab (the D looking building) and the beautiful beaches. I was amazed. I turned to my husband:
"Wow I wanna go live there."
He laughed."That is Dubai, the most expensive city in the Middle East."
I sighed and crushed moved on with my life.
A year later we had the chance to Leave Lebanon (thanks Mom and Dad) and we decided on UAE to live. Sure my flashback of CNN helped that decision but once we got here we realized Dubai was still beyond our dreams and settled into cozy Al-Ain.
We've lived here for 4 years now. I love Al-Ain, seriously.My husband finally got the job of his dreams in Emirates Airlines Maintenance Dept.
His job gives him accommodation (not free).
So with my working still with Magrudy's we'll be able to at least make rent and have a small bit left over, much as we are living now in al-Ain.
I'll be transferred from the Bawadi Branch here in AL-Ain to Deira City Center in Dubai.I went there and checked it out and its a bigger shop so that makes me happier.
So now I have to lovingly toss all my stuff in boxes and haul them up to our new home.
I get to do ALL of this JUST BEFORE RAMADAN!!! YIKES!So Sisters in Dubai...looks like you'll get a new Blogger moving in. ;)