
9:26 PM

Upcoming Iranian Interview!

Wrote: American Muslima Writer |

Masha'Allah I was chosen to be interviewed for an online Iranian Magazine for Ladies and Girls. The article will be published in Persian but I will post it here in English!!!!  And of course check out the link when I post it of the magazine!
It was really nice to make another bridge between the everyday people of Iran and myself. Insha'Allah it will help open minds!

So stay tuned!!!!

9 intelligent thoughts:

Desert Housewife A. (The Canadian in Jubail) said...

Salaam Umm Mustafa!!

Mashaa'Allah OMG sounds exciting huh :-D Can't wait to see!!

EF said...
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Habibe said...

Dear my sister
I'm glad to see you a real muslem.
I'm from Iran.
Would you please tell me if you have studied about shia?
please send me your response to

God bless you

Anonymous said...

MASHA'ALLAH this is great!hope u the best n will be waitin

soode said...

i'm an iranian girl.i've just read your interview in Farsi and i came here to see ur blog.
i wish u a very good life

soheil said...

salam my from iran.
i want ask u to lokking for some information about DR ali shariati.
he's ideas made islamic revoulotion
in iran.god protect u.

American Muslima Writer said...

Aalia and Elena and Anon,

Alhamdulillah it's now posted, I know exciting eh!

American Muslima Writer said...

New Iranian People to my blog,

Welcome! Insha'Allah you are enjoying reading about my life and thoughts.

I am firmly Sunni Muslim but masha'Allah I do understand what a wonderful Muslim the grandson Ali of Prophet Muhammad, sallahu aliayhi wa Salim, was. But I do not want to be Shia. Thank you though for your interest. I appreciate you coming by and commenting. :)


Shailine said...

Salam my sister
im a iranian girl
I so happy you are muslim like me

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