
7:27 AM

Check up on our Sisters!

Wrote: American Muslima Writer |

Ya Allah I'm consumed with guilt!
Angry Muslimah this is a big shout out to you.
I haven't had money to call you but I'm worried about you and I hope you're doing well. Your e-mail is also not working for some weird reason they get sent back. So PLEASE if your reading this, e-mail me at my "other one" or and let me know how you are and what's new in your life. I'm sincerly hoping everything is better than it was last time we talked. May Allah forgive me for not keeping in better touch with you.

I spent all fajr time thinking about you and making du'a you're safe.
Love you dearly.

2 intelligent thoughts:

Anonymous said...

My Dear Sweet Sister Brandy,

I have been meaning to call you also. Things have changed drastically. Getting ready for these babies among other things. I will call u thing weekend InshaAllah I will have time, free time. And I want to thank you for being wonderful and caring. Jut when u think you are alone and no one cares for you, you log online and see someone has taken the time out to write a post just for you. I love you sis, I am smiling.

I am hardly online anymore. But when I do log on as you know I come to you first. Also I got the pcitures from you. That daughter of yours is absolutely stunning. MashaAllah talking about the maerh that one could I am not just saying that either.She is to adorable for her on good. And bless you for getitng her used to the idea of hijabs very early. I think more of us muslimahs should share that importance early on with them.

I also want to thank you for du'a for me. I do believe it could have been that du'a you made that had me get up and walk of of a car accident, where the car was totaled, and they had to use the jaws of life to get me out-------and i didnt have a scratch...MashAllah

I will email can post my email a few other sisiters from what I was told was looking for it as well.

I will be thinking of you, theKing, lil man, and the cutey in keep you in my dua'.

I love for the sake of Allah(swt)

Nasiriyah " The Angry Muslimah "

American Muslima Writer said...

SubhanAllah habibi, I'm so glad you're safe! Ya Rabb! the Jaws of Life! Alhamdulliah you and the baby weren't harmed.
Ahem, did you say BABIES as in plural!?!?!? Ok now you better call or e-mail and let me know whats up!
Glad I was able to cheer you up hon. XOXOX
I'll e-mail you later insha'Allah if I dont hear form you on the phone or email.

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