
11:45 PM

Charity -Purification of Money (Zakat)

Wrote: American Muslima Writer |

Giving Charity through which your money and belongings are Purified.
Zakat is 2.5% of your possessions' worth.*
*Religious Details Apply.
Every Muslim pays Zakat-ul-Fitr for their dependants on the last day of Ramadan.

People in this area are resolving to give their yearly Zakat:

  • Learning about the Proper Religious Details
  • Calculating the correct amount without errors
  • Finding a suitable person or persons to give the Charity to
  • Are under the yearly minimum and don't have to pay, yet want to
  • Encouraging others to remember this important Pillar of Islam
  • Paying the Zakat-ul-Fitr on time, or making it up if you didn't

Whether you are learning the laws governing Zakat or you always pay on time you might have words for others resolving to do this Pillar better. Come share what you can about Zakat.

People say:
"I resolve to pay my 2.5% this year"
"My Jummah Resolution is to find the total calculations of my crops this year."
"I want to pay Zakat-ul-Fitr for my wife and kids."

What do you have to say?

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